Coca-Cola is running a promotion over the summer in Bahrain and Qatar. They are giving away 1000 Coca-Cola branded mountain bikes. You need to collect the bottle caps and flip caps off of Coca-Cola products and collect all five bike part game pieces in order to win a mountain bike.
Two thoughts:
Isn't it kinda mean to giveaway a mountain bike in countries with no mountains and with roads too dangerous and too hot to ride a bike outside unless you have a death wish?
Also, wouldn't it be cool to think that there is some "Veruca Salt" Qatari girl who has gotten her father to buy tons of Coca-Cola products and now has armies of third world ex-pats working in their factory to open the products just so she can WIN a mountain bike and brag to all her friends (a la Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)?
From Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(1971)
Veruca Salt: I wanted to be the first to find a Golden Ticket, Daddy.
Mr. Salt: I know, angel. We're doing the best we can. I've got every girl in the place to start hunting for you.
Veruca Salt: All right. Where is it? Why haven't they found it?
Mr. Salt: Veruca, sweetheart. I'm not a magician. Give me time.
Veruca Salt: I want it now. What's the matter with those twerps down there?
Mr. Salt: For five days now, the entire flipping factory's been on the job. They haven't shelled a peanut in there since Monday. They've been shelling flavored chocolate bars from dawn till dusk.
Veruca Salt: Make them work nights.
Veruca Salt: They don't want to find it. They're jealous of me.
Mr. Salt: Sweetheart, I can't push them no harder; 19,000 bars an hour they're shelling; 760,000 they've done so far.
Veruca Salt: You promised, Daddy. You promised I'd have it the very first day.
Mrs. Salt: You're going to be very unpopular around here, Henry, if you don't deliver soon.
Mr. Salt: It breaks my heart, Henrietta. I hate to see her unhappy.
Veruca Salt: You're a rotten, mean father. You never give me anything I want. And I won't go to school until I have it.
Mr. Salt: Veruca, sweetheart, angel. Now, there are four tickets left in the whole world, and the whole ruddy world's hunting for them. What can I do?
Veruca Salt: I want it now, daddy.
Mr. Salt: Wonka, how much do you want for the golden goose?
Willy Wonka: They're not for sale.
Mr. Salt: Name your price.
Willy Wonka: She can't have one.
Veruca Salt: Who says I can't?
Mr. Salt: The man with the funny hat.
Veruca Salt: [singing] I want the world. I want the whole world. I want to lock it all up in my pocket. It's my bar of chocolate. Give it to me now.
Veruca Salt: [singing] I want a party with roomfuls of laughter, / Ten thousand tons of ice cream, / And if I don't get the things I am after, / I'm going to screeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEAM.
1 comment:
living in the Middle East turned you into a conspiracy minded person. Stop drinking the water.
They did not feel like stocking the coca-cola classic this morning.
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