This sign on the side of a DC Metrobus reminded me of when I got hit by a pickup truck while legally walking a crosswalk to cross at an intersection. The intersection was Glebe RD and Carlin Springs RD in Arlington, Virginia USA.
After I was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance, in the emergency room, I was asked by a Hispanic female cop if "I was walking with the white guy?" I thought either someone else had gotten hit by the truck in addition to me or that she was a racist. When she went on to further explain what she meant, I discovered that she meant, "Was I walking with the white pedestrian flashing signal of the walk sign when I crosssed the street at the crosswalk?" I had crossed the street "with the white guy," crossing legally and obeying the crossing signals.
Try not to get hit by a car or truck...it hurts.
I got hit by the truck in 1996 (13 years ago) and my right leg still hurts today.
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