Thursday, July 20, 2006

Conan the Librarian

It all started when a bunch of us went to comedy night at The Laughter Factory at the Shehrazad Bar at the Ramada in Doha. The MC tried to get volunteers to come down and sit up in the front rows of seats by offering free beer to those who came forward. So John went, Mollie went, I went and Drew went down front. I will do pretty much anything for free beer.

So the four of us are sitting in the front row and the first comic comes on stage. He sees John sitting with his legs apart and makes a comment about the great greeting he received. He snarled at Mollie flirtaciously. He looked at me and called me Shrek and he said he was afraid I would come on stage and pummle him. I guess because I look big and intimidating.

Later on he asked what I did for a living. I told him "I worked in a library." He couldn't understand this. I am not a librarian, so I didn't say I was a librarian that would have been too easy. So he asked what I did and I explained and, of course, he couldn't find anything funny to say about what I do for a living. Once again afraid that he had insulted me he called me "Conan the Librarian" and moved on to another topic...


Anonymous said...

Whenever comedians ask me what I do for a living, I always answer, "I get guys for your mom." It tends to stop them in their tracks. I hope the beer was cold (and plentiful)!!

Anonymous said...

I think "Conan the Librarian" is pretty funny.