Tuesday, February 27, 2007

John left Qatar and all he got was this baby

John's going-away present...Mike and Molly's baby...just kidding.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Never Throw At Anyones Head.

Never throw at anyones head...where's the fun in that?
What else is there to aim at when you are swimming in the pool?

Dry Grapes

Dry Grapes=Raisins

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Keep the plastic or remove the plastic?

So the big question is:

Do I keep the fresh from the dealership plastic on the seats (like the Qataris do) or do I remove the plastic on the seats?

Plenty of trunk space

My new car has trunk space for two, maybe three, small children.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Fuzzy Balls

I just put the fuzzy eight balls and fuzzy dice that I brought from the US on the rearview mirror of my new car.

When you read the title of this entry, did you think I was going to talk about something else?

My New Car

Since John left Qatar and I am no longer co-leasing a car with him and because you can't survive in Qatar without a car since walking anywhere can kill you because of the heat and the public trasportation system is still a fledgling operation that doesn't go anywhere I need to go (ie. work), I have bought a 2007 Hyundai Tuscon SUV (4WD 6 cylinder 2.7 liter engine)...copper, so I can hide out in the desert if I need to...and very cheap on gas especially when gas is $.83 USD...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Monday, February 12, 2007

There's no such thing as flavored water.

There's no such thing as flavored water. There's a whole aisle of this crap at the supermarket, water, but without that watery taste. Sorry, but flavored water is called a soft drink. You want flavored water? Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's your flavored water.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

My Nikon Coolpix 7600 Died

My Nikon Coolpix 7600 died.

I should be mad. This is the second Nikon Coolpix that I have owned that died prematurely (I think).

When I come back to the States, I will be in the market for a new point and shoot camera.

For now I will use my Nikon D70.

But without my point and shoot, no more inconspicuous traveler. If I want to photograph, I will have a big SLR hanging around my neck.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

TP in a Public Bathroom

There is a certain sadistic fun to being the person who used the last of the toilet paper in a stall in a public bathroom.

What are you supposed to do morally and ethically? It is not your responsibility to make sure there is enough toilet paper for the general populace. There is no one to tell that the toilet paper has run out (unless there is a custodian standing around) and you shouldn't have to run to the market and get more toilet paper to put in for the next person.

All you can do is smile that sadistic smile and laugh a little, thinking of the next person stuck in the stall cursing you - the person who was last in the stall who used up the last of the toilet paper.

India or Nepal?

In April, India or Nepal?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Gin and Coconut

Usually, I don't like coconut treats, but my pantry was pretty bare last night and I was too lazy to go to the corner market, so last night I had a Gin and Tonic with a "refrigerator-chilled" milk chocolate Bounty Candy Bar that I had left over from a candy bar variety pack and to my suprise the combination was good...try it...if you can.

According to Wikipedia, "although Mars is an American company, Bounty bars have not been available in the United States since the mid-1990s due to competition with Almond Joy and Mounds."

If in the US, substitute Almond Joy or Mounds...but I am not a big fan of almonds either...so for me it would be Mounds...HUHUHUH...mounds.

Also, Mounds are dark chocolate and Almond Joy is milk chocolate. I had the Bounty with the blue wrapper which is the milk chocolate variety. The dark chocolate Bounty comes in a red wrapper.

So if you want milk chocolate coconut without the almond and you are in the US, bite into an Almond Joy and spit out the almond...if you have had several gin and tonics this could get messy or fun, or both.

Monday, February 05, 2007

8 hours a day

8 hours in the work day...gotta fill 'em with something.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Disney's Piglet Banned in the Middle East

See this blog post about Piglet being "banned" and then read my further investigation below.


This past weekend I went to Jarir Bookstore, but couldn't find the book in question.

I did however find plenty of books NOT BANNED OR CENSORED with pigs on the cover and illustrated in stories: for example, several versions of The Three Little Pigs in book, CD, and DVD and pigs on/in books about farms AND there were NEW Charlotte's Web books where the central character is a pig!

Why was Piglet banned out of all this? I think it is a conspiracy against DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This brings up a new question...How will the Muslim world handle the new popularity of Charlotte's Web staring Dakota Fanning with it's subversive PRO-Pig message? Maybe they will embrace the message of Charlotte's Web which is to NOT slaughter pigs but to save them so they can talk to spiders.

Next...banning porcine liguistically inclined spiders....