Sunday, February 04, 2007

Disney's Piglet Banned in the Middle East

See this blog post about Piglet being "banned" and then read my further investigation below.

This past weekend I went to Jarir Bookstore, but couldn't find the book in question.

I did however find plenty of books NOT BANNED OR CENSORED with pigs on the cover and illustrated in stories: for example, several versions of The Three Little Pigs in book, CD, and DVD and pigs on/in books about farms AND there were NEW Charlotte's Web books where the central character is a pig!

Why was Piglet banned out of all this? I think it is a conspiracy against DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This brings up a new question...How will the Muslim world handle the new popularity of Charlotte's Web staring Dakota Fanning with it's subversive PRO-Pig message? Maybe they will embrace the message of Charlotte's Web which is to NOT slaughter pigs but to save them so they can talk to spiders.

Next...banning porcine liguistically inclined spiders....

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