Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ed's 15...uhh...13 Helpful Hints for traveling based on his recent adventures.

  1. When exchanging money, get some small bills for tips, taxis, and drinks (Belize).

  2. Put your money in wallets in front pockets. Carry two wallets. In one wallet carry the local currency. In the other wallet carry US dollars and debit/credit cards. If you have a credit card with a small balance put it in the wallet with the local currency for larger purchases (Mexico).

  3. Carry a compass, even in the city. If you don't know which direction to go, pick one...N, S, E, W. If you go North, then to return to your starting point, go South. Also, when looking at a map with a North Arrow or Compass Rose, if you have a compass, then you will be able to orient the map in the proper direction (Nepal).

  4. Photocopy maps ahead of time to refer to, so that you don't constantly look at the maps in the guidebooks and this will allow you to have maps to carry around when you want to carry light (India).

  5. In regards to jewelry, only wear a watch...or if you are me, a medal around your neck under your shirt. However, no crosses or Stars of David. Leave your favorite jewelry at home. You will probably pick up a NEW favorite piece of jewelry on the trip (Burkina Faso).

  6. Drink plenty of liquids, preferably water, especially before you go to bed. Drinking liquids (especially water) before going to bed helps hydrate you while you sleep, lessens a hangover, and it helps you get out of bed in the morning because you will have to pee like a racehorse (California, USA).

  7. Carry individual packs of handy wipes in your back pocket and/or backpack. They are good for cleaning your hands before a meal and for emergency bathroom breaks, especially where there is no toilet paper in public bathrooms (Japan).

  8. Bring sunglasses. If you wear prescription glasses, then bring an extra pair and the sunglasses. When needed the sunglasses serve as a backup pair of prescription glasses (Kuwait).

  9. Get an international driver's license. You never know when you may need to drive. I have a motorcycle and car endorsement on mine just in case (Morocco).

  10. Tell the indigenous population (locals) that you are traveling with a group, even when traveling alone. It could get you out of scams and hassles (Jordan).

  11. Never pay for sex. When a woman in a bar says "200 Riyals", she doesn't mean the name of the band (Qatar).

  12. Learn to snow ski. You may never know when you may need that skill (Dubai, United Arab Emirates).

  13. It's not your fault, it's just your turn (Washington, DC USA).

These are just my helpful hints that I have picked up along the way. But remember the most helpful hints of all from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure...

Bill: Be excellent to each other.
Ted: Party on, dudes.

And as Mel Brooks said in History of the World: Part I

Moses: The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen...
[drops one of the tablets]
Moses: Oy! Ten! Ten commandments for all to obey!

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