Friday, December 15, 2006

Car Accident Continued

The leasing agent told me he would pick up the car Friday morning and take it to the police station for inspection and to get the police report.

He called me at 4pm Friday to tell me that he had gone in the morning and that the police officer wasn't there. That makes sense because almost everything in Qatar is closed on Friday morning including government offices.

He came by my villa at 4pm Friday afternoon and asked me to go with him to the police station to explain the dents and scratches to the officer.

We went to the new police station for our district.

The other police officers on duty found the officer in the building. The officer handed the leasing agent the report but said that he didn't have the two stamps he needed to complete the report, so we would have to come back Saturday so he could get the two stamps and stamp the report. Then that would make the report official.

The leasing agent asked if the officer needed to see the car after it had been washed. The officer said he had seen the car parked in the parking lot. However, the police report didn't mention all the dents and scratches in detail like it needs to in order for the insurance company to cover all the repairs. The leasing agent wasn't too happy.

In the police officers defense, the new police station still hasn't finished being built. They still had plastic covering all the chairs and part of the building wasn't completed with wet plaster and construction dust in the offices, so I am not surprised that they don't have all the stamps needed to operate as a fully functioning police station yet.

From what I could see, I don't even think they had bars on the jail windows yet. I guess the prisoners stay in their cells by the honor system.

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